Wednesday, May 9, 2007

This past weekend

So I flew to Kentucky to see my family this weekend and to go to the Kentucky Derby. It was awesome. It was the first time I have seen my parents since September of last year. They are from Michigan, but they had tickets and invited me to fly out and see them. I will post some images as soon as I get them from my mom. And yes she had a really big hat. It was kind of ugly.

First thesis images

So I have been working on my environment for my thesis and it is going great! I do not want to tell everyone the story yet, but the environment is a home office.

First ever post

So this is my first post ever on a blog. I am a little weary about posting to these things, but it is a requirement for one of my classes. I am currently a grad student in animation and think it is going very well. I should have thesis images soon.